
nobuko and i have started a new blog! it will be a hong kong - tokyo correspondance - full of all the things i would show my friend if she were here. it will be about making things, design, paper, printing, books, coffee, cake and lovely things.

私はホンコンにひっこししましたから私たちは新しいブログを始まりました! のぶこちゃん は 英語で、私 は 日本語で がんばります! みんなさん げんき?


  1. Congratulations! That's wonderful. You have a lovely blog here. I'm very happy to have stumbled upon your blog.

  2. I am discovering your blog and I love it! I will come back. Mata ne!
    (sorry for my bad english...furansujin desu...)

  3. interesting!
    happy new year 2010 *v*

  4. Hello Anna and Nobuko!

    I've been looking around here and your posts are interesting! I love your art exhibit tours.

  5. sounds a great idea - your pics have made me miss Japan! I just loved it and I think I recognise some of the places you've shown - what a happy find!

  6. Hi Anna and Nobuko,

    I just found your blog, it was really nice, humble and heartwarming : )

  7. your blog has cutsey little photos all through it!
    i enjoy them immensely x

  8. I wish to practice my japanese and english in the way you do. Really lovely idea.

  9. carles, it's the only way i reckon. japanese as a foreign language courses are always about mr smith and mr tanaka having a business meeting at 4 o'clock at the osaka branch office. worse than boring. boring and useless (unless you have a meeting with mr tanaka at the osaka branch office).

  10. thanks for everyone's sweet comments! we don't live in the same city anymore so there are nice memories here.
